Масляные машины
200A-3 screw oil expeller is widely applies for oil pressing of rapeseeds, cotton seeds, peanut kernel, soybean, tea seeds, sesame, sunflower seeds, etc.. If change the inner pressing cage, which can be used for oil pressing for low oil content materials such as rice bran and animal oil materials. Это также основная машина для вторичного прессования материалов с высоким содержанием масла, таких как копра. This machine is with high market share.
Oil-bearing materials with shells such as groundnuts, sunflower seeds, cotton seed, and teaseeds, should be conveyed to the seed dehuller to be shelled and separated from their outer husk prior to the oil extraction process, the shells and kernels should be pressed separately . Лузга снижает общий выход масла, поглощая или удерживая масло в прессованных жмыхах. What's more, wax and color compounds present in the hulls end up in the extracted oil, which are not desirable in edible oils and need to be removed during the refining process. Шелушение также можно назвать лущением или декортикацией. The dehulling process is necessary and has got a series advantages, it increases oil production efficiency, capacity of the extraction equipment and reduces wear in the expeller, reduces fiber and increases protein content of the meal.